Biography: Golmoradizadeh Ali
Background: There is a vast volume of published orthodontic articles that may be accessed from the internet. The accumulated
publications are good sources of information that may be used as basis for the formulation of evidence-based clinical treatment plans.
Objective: The aim of this study was to quantify the number of published articles on orthodontics and its relation to the other
fields in dentistry in the past five decades.
Materials & Methods: A systematic review was conducted in MEDLINE via PubMed from 1966 until 2015. With the Endnote
X7 software, a range of the most relevant search terms relating to orthodontics, periodontics, functional appliances, lingual
orthodontics, self-ligating technique, mixed dentition, endodontics and mini implant were used. The captured orthodontic
articles were then arranged according to categories in relation to the other fields in dentistry.
Results: An immense number of orthodontic articles appeared in the different categories each year. Among these articles,
lingual orthodontics was the most fascinating topic for researchers, while mini implants and self-ligating brackets apparently
need more future studies.
Conclusion: The review of orthodontic articles in the past five decades may help future researchers who want to investigate and
study orthodontics. It can serve as a parameter to indicate which fields necessitate additional supplementary studies.
Golmoradizadeh Ali has graduated from Centro Escolar University in 2013 as Doctor of Dental Medicine and completed MS Orthodontics from University of
Philippines. He is a Faculty Member of Hormozgan University, Iran. He is an Associate Editor of Journal of Evaluation of Medical and Dental Sciences.